
The Way of Philosophy

Traditionally, there are three ways that a man or woman may come to realize his or her own self, or experience freedom, they are Freedom in Action, Emotional Freedom and Knowledge and Freedom. Practical Philosophy brings these three ways together as a fourth way, applying ancient teachings to modern living. This forth way is the Philosophy - A Way of Life. These 11 week courses at the School of Practical Philosophy are grouped together as The Way to Freedom.

Pre-requisite to the Way to Freedom Courses:

The Wisdom Within
and one of either
Happiness OR
and one of either Presence of Mind OR Philosophy and Freedom.

red  Freedom in Action

The Freedom in Action course refines activity, releasing the individual’s talents for the benefit of the world.

For 'Freedom in Action' online options click here: Practial Philosophy Australia

    Next course offered September 2024

red   Knowledge & Freedom

The Knowledge and Freedom course lights the journey from individual to universal, allowing the individual to become the change they would like to see in the world.

For 'Knowledge and Freedom' online options click here: Practial Philosophy Australia

    Next course offered September 2024

red  Emotional Freedom

Emotional Freedome liberates the power of love, allowing the individual to see the whole world as a family. Emotional Freedom can lift people to the most extraordinary heights, but when it is misplaced it may cause great destruction. In this course we study a powerful force both within individuals and societies.

    Next course offered September 2024

red  Philosophy A Way of Life

When ancient philosophy first began, it was a way of life for the ‘householder’. It was “a mode of existing-in-the-world, which had to be practiced at each instant. Philosophy was a way of life, both in its exercise and effort to achieve wisdom, and in its goal, wisdom itself. For real wisdom does not merely cause us to know: it makes us “be” in a different way. Such is the lesson of ancient philosophy: an invitation to each human being to transform himself. Philosophy is a conversion, a transformation of one’s way of being and living, and a quest for wisdom.” (Pierre Hadot, Philosophy as a Way of Life)

The 'Philosophy A Way of Life' 11 week course explores how a person living in the world, participating fully in life in the roles one has been given or chosen and at the same time being and living from real wisdom.

For 'Philosophy A Way of Life' online options click here: Practial Philosophy Australia

    Next course offered September 2024