Other Courses of Interest to Members Only
The following courses are offered from time to time depending on numbers of those interested, and the pre-requisite is that the student must have completed at least one of the courses in The Way of Philosophy Series.
The Philosophy of Plato
Pre-requisite to the Philosophy for Life Courses is Meditation and Philosophy and Mindfulness and one of either True Happiness and Mindfulness OR Pure Love and Mindfulness and one of either Presence of Mind OR Freedom.
The birth of the philosophy of Plato was amid the troubled world of Ancient Athens. During this time Socrates was discussing in the agora what it meant to be wise. One night Socrates had a dream in which he saw a young swan on his knees which all at once put forth plumage and flew away uttering a loud sweet note. Next day the young Plato was introduced to Socrates who immediately recognized him as the swan from his dream.
Socrates was Plato’s teacher until Socrates was executed in 396 BC for “corrupting the youth” of Athens. Plato subsequently, wrote the records of those conversations of Socrates that were so corrupting and which collectively are called “The Dialogues of Plato.”
If you would like to explore the “loud sweet note” of the philosophy of Plato then come join the Plato group on-line. It is open to enrolled students of the School of Philosophy. If you have a copy of the Jowett translation of Plato’s works then have it handy.
Contact your tutor for details!
A Course in Miracles
This study group is held on Thursdays on line to study the text, “A Course in Miracles”
For those not familiar with this work the “Course” was written between 1965 and 1972 by Helen Schucman and William Thetford through the process of inner dictation. It consists of 3 parts, the text itself, a workbook for students and a manual for teachers.
The introduction to A Course In Miracles states that’ The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance.
The course can be summed up very simply in this way:
Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.
Students of the School of Practical Philosophy are encouraged to take up the study of Sanskrit, particularly those who have reached the ‘Philosophy for Life’ courses.
Language is a means to bring individuals together. Aptly referred to as the ‘Divine Language’, Sanskrit has been perfected by the ancient sages not just as a mode of human communication but also as a medium through which one can understand oneself and one’s surroundings. All of us are gifted with an innate ability to absorb the beauty and sophistication associated with this great language. What is required is a natural enthusiasm for, and participation in, the study of Sanskrit in the good company of others.
Contact your tutor for Face to Face and Online Options today.
Study of Bhagavad Gītā
This course takes an in depth look at the sacred text of the Hindus - The Bhagavad Gita, a work of 18 chapters and a small portion of the greater epic the Mahābhārata.
Enquire with your tutor.
Study of the Conversations with Śri Śantānanda Sarasvatī
This course takes an in depth look at the conversations between the founder of the School Mr Leon MacLaren and His Holiness Śrī Śatānanda Sarasvatī from 1967 to 1991. (Invitation to Meditating member students only)
Enquire with your tutor.